Tot2Teen Tools

Maggie Jones

Maggie Jones

Passionate about providing children with an educational space which allows them to blossom and tools which they will learn to love.

Affirmation Journal focus Day 14

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Bible affirmation verse: Esther 4:13-14

‘Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, ‘Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?’

When Mordecai said these words to Esther he was actually chastising her for living large and embracing royalty over righteousness, selfies over service. He was reminding her that she had been chosen to set aside her own interests, release her hold on ambition and face the enemy head-on. He was reminding her that she was made for exactly that time and that task.

God has given each of us talents, a job, position, resources, education, family, friends and opportunities to optimize His kingdom purposes. God places us strategically, because we are in the midst of a battle between good and evil. It would be a tragedy to miss God’s assignment because we are too caught up in our own personal agenda. Esther said YES to God and stepped up to the service He had called her to and yes, it did require sacrifice. She risked her life and her legacy with no guarantee that there would be a positive outcome and because of her unselfish actions, the lives of an entire nation were spared.

Have you ever asked the question: “Why me Lord?” Don’t feel alone. We all face times of fear and doubt. Times when we wonder why God chose us. Yet our faithful Father is there to remind us that He has been with us all along, and He will continue to guide and protect us, “For such a time as this.” God will work all things together to fulfill His purpose.

Esther probably also cried out “Why Lord?” when she was asked to save her nation. She probably had doubts about her safety and her future. Scripture tells us that when Esther was ever in doubt, she knew what to do. She knew prayer and fasting would make things clearer and draw her closer to her Lord. When we wonder why God has led us to where we are, prayer and fasting can usher in new hope. In the midst of a dangerous situation, with the odds stacked against her, this hope propelled Esther forward and she says: ”I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!” This hope can do the same for you. Esther’s moment with the king symbolizes our relationship with our heavenly Father. When we prayerfully enter His presence, He welcomes us with outstretched arms; as His royal children and in the midst of our humdrum lives, filled with hardships, God has a plan. We can trust Him as we live out our “for such a time as this” each moment of each day, right where we are.

Write this affirmation in your journal.

Meditate on this question: Where has God placed you for such a time as this?

Write your thoughts and actions in your journal. Think about all the ways in which God has equipped you for this particular task.

Food diary:

What is fasting?

Rick Warren says: “It is a spiritual discipline that is taught in the Bible. Jesus expected His followers to fast and He said that God rewards fasting.” The Bible says fasting means to voluntarily reduce or eliminate your intake of food for a specific time and purpose. It is not a legal requirement and the arrangement is between you and God. It is an expression of your love for God because of His grace to you, AND it is good for you.

Why fast?

  • It gives you more time for prayer
  • It demonstrates the depth of your desire when praying for something.
  • It releases God’s supernatural power and generally deals a decisive blow to the enemy.
  • Fasting improves mental clarity and concentration, lowers blood insulin and sugar levels, improves fat burning abilities, lowers cholesterol, increases our growth hormone and reduces inflammation.

Types of fasts:

The option you choose depends upon your health, the desired length of your fast and your preference.

  • A Water Fast means to abstain from all food and juices
  • A Partial Fast means to eliminate certain foods or specific meals
  • A “Juice” Fast means to drink only fruit or vegetable juices during meal times

Fasting is not about:

  • food, but about focus
  • saying no to the body, but saying yes to the spirit
  • doing without, but about looking within
  • looking good, but it is an outward response to an inward attitude and a cry of the soul to feast on the Lord. Looking to Him for comfort, power, strength, guidance, forgiveness and hope.

Pray: Lord help me put your will and your purpose ahead of my own. I humbly bow before You and ask for Your direction and guidance. Please give me the courage to live out my calling for such a time as this. In Jesus name. Amen

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